Monday, April 09, 2007


In loving memory of Annie Robinson
adopted 4-4-96 died 4-8-07
When Russell and I got married nearly 6 years ago, I became a part of the Robinson family. The very first time I came to meet Russ' family I also met Annie, their dog. She was a red-headed beauty. She has always been around. I have always associated Annie with the Robinson family. I remember when someone would come up the walkway to the door, she would go to the door and wait. From outside, we could hear her dog tags on her collar clinking together. I remember Russ taking naps with her on the floor. I remember her barking and going crazy at the squirrels outside. I remember her doing tricks like sitting, shaking (she would lift up her paw) and speaking. Whenever I was cooking in the kitchen she would come in there waiting for me go give her something. She was good at catching things in midair. I remember when I would sit down she would come over to me and put her head on the couch next to me and when I started to pet her, she would flip over onto her back so that I would rub her belly. When I'd stop, she would swat her paw at me like saying, "hey, keep petting me!" I also remember when Russ and I would stay over there to take care of her we would sometimes catch her sleeping on the couch (which she was not supposed to do.) But somehow, we couldn't get mad at her, we just knew she liked it up there. The picture below was of her eating an applesauce pie. (with two pieces of bread you put some applesauce in the middle of them and compress them in some sort of round, long handled thing that goes into the fire. We had just made one and up comes Annie snitching it away and eating the whole thing.) I also remember how Annie smelled after coming in from outside, which was pretty stinky. But, she was a good dog. She was a pretty dog and she was a friendly dog. It will be lonely and quiet in the Robinson home without her, but we will always remember what a great dog she was. There are a lot more things I remember about Annie, but will end my blog about her for now. If you want to leave a comment about what you remember about Annie, feel free.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Becca, that's so sweet--what you wrote about Annie.