Tuesday, March 02, 2010


I don't have any photos to post right now, but I figured I would just get something up here.
Currently, I am rearranging Eve's room and trying to get it all figured out.
Here are some things I am looking forward too...

*Getting Eve's room done
*finishing some sewing and mending projects
*next appointment with the midwife
*ULTRASOUND!! (April 2nd)
*MOM and DAD coming for a visit!!!!
*looking at more houses
*Perfect weather (the calm before the humidity heat storm aka: summer.)
*Believe it or not, WEARING maternity clothes. I am at that in between stage and it is very annoying.


Unknown said...

Oh I don't envy you being prego in your hot humid air out there. I thought it was super bad here with our dry heat but add on the wetness of humidity. YUCK! Make sure and post pics of all the fun stuff coming up. I'm jealous mom and dad are visiting you. I need to come to Florida for some beach time!

Don&Stacy&Boys said...

Sounds like you are keeping busy. How exciting about your upcoming ultrasound. Don't fret about being in maternity clothes already, it always happens faster when it is your second, or third or more pregnancy. Your body relaxes and stretches out sooner.

The Knisley's said...

Yay for the ultrasound! I can't wait for you guys to find out! :-) I didn't know you were looking for houses, either! Good luck!

kat reynolds said...

When are your parents coming? I can't wait to see Eve's room when it's done! You're amazing!

Martha said...

i meant to tell you that i was dying over your DIY bed stuff for eve's room. will you post the finished product? can't wait!