Wednesday, December 12, 2012

So, it's been a while. I feel like I skipped a bunch of our trip to Mackay this summer and all the other fun stuff we did as a family this summer. We  just got a new lap top and I need to find the time/motivation to figure out the new windows interface and get my pictures where I need them, etc.

Anyway, we are here. Idaho is nice. We have only had some tiny bits of snow flurries. Nothing has stuck to the ground. I wonder if we will have any snow before Christmas.

I went to Victor with my mom and there was very little snow over there too which is weird for that mountainous area.

The kids are great. Emmie is 8 months already. Zeke is talking more and more and Eve is her regular, spunky, loud, dramatic girl.

I am feeling a bit lonely for Florida. Not really Florida itself, but the people there. The Robinsons and the Clarks especially. This Christmas is going to be a lot more quiet for us. No late night games with the family, no sleep overs on Christmas Eve, no loud Christmas morning, no Christmas feasts together. My heart hurts a little to think about not being with extended family on Christmas and then I remember, that my immediate family is right here. My loving husband, whom I adore. My darling little kids who sometimes drive me bonkers but who create so much fun and laughter. Our Christmas will be smaller in numbers but we will have just as much love as ever.

Happy Holidays!


{amy k.} said...

glad to see you back! and i can relate to missing the family celebrations. it will be a quiet Christmas this year with my hubby, baby and i. but, i'm looking forward to it too- seems so intimate and special!

Nancy said...

Oh, Becca, I was thinking the exact same thoughts about you guys not being here for Christmas as I was driving around tonight. I was going to call you right then, but I thought it would just make me more sad you aren't here. :( There's still time ! Fly down! We'll make it the best CHristmas ever!!

mama of many said...

Hey, I know some people who would love to have you over. I totally understand missing family though.

Martha said...

we are having the same kind of christmas! feels a little strange that creating all the magic is up to US no, eh? have a good one! have fun with heather at least! mark my words, i will get to twin falls someday!